Magic Box IP Subnetting


So  a random discussion whilst I play Call of Duty:Black Ops was IP subnetting and the CCNA test.  So IP subnetting, basic base 2 math, is actually very simple to accomplish.  The tough part is trying to QUICKLY attain this information while testing.

I was taken back when I was asked how I did this during my 3 CCNA testing methods and Mike Storm, who was an instructor at Interface Technical Training in Phoenix AZ, had this awesome method called the Magic Box.  His up beat training and encouragement was able to take something like IP Subnet Masks and broke it down for testing purposes so that when you get a question about how many hosts you have you fairly quickly know what subnet you need to work with.

This post expects you to have a base understanding of IP Subnetting and how things work.  The understanding of what Classless-Inter Domain Routing Notation is, what subnet masks are, and the magical line that delineates from hosts to networks.  With the basic understanding this magic box (when testing) makes understanding what is being asked in a quick format.  *In most tests you have about 1 minute, or less, per question and when you stay on one for 5-10 minutes just trying to decipher some of it will throw you for a loop.

Enough of that mumbo jumbo lets get to the good stuff.  Here is what Mike Storm taught me with the magic box –

So simple explanation is you essentially just need to KNOW the top row.  From the top row you can fill in the rest easily.

  • Notice that the top row corresponds with the various subnet masks most commonly utilized.
    • 128,192,224,240,248,252,254, or 255.  The \”octet\” determines the CIDR notation.  Meaning if it is in the Second Octet it will be a /9 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 respectively.
      • Small side note – These \”slash numbers\” e.g. slash 16 equals the number of bits in the subnet mask in use between the network, Subnet, and host.  /16 would be – X= number, n= network, and h = host xnnnnnnn.xnnnnnnn.hhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhh in binary.  If you are in a class B subnet the first two octets are the only ones in concern for network addressing.
    • The CIDR notation can then be deciphered, say if you get asked if Network B has a /25 network yet needs 700 hosts what network would support the required number of hosts… quickly (if you wrote this down) you can answer the question.  If you aren\’t using a quick method then you are figuring it out from scratch; unless you are a quick with binary to convert back to decimal to determine the networks and hosts that can support such a network.
    • With that same question – /25 network and 700 hosts doesnt work.  Why because you look at what /25 is and you look up in the column and see that the network is split into two 128 segments which cannot handle 700 hosts.  Most people should realize that a /24 is a 256 node network (0 through 255 = 256) and through the removal of the broadcast address and network address total usable nodes equals 254.
      • ***NOTE the equation 2N-2 to determine actual host count… this removes the broadcast and network addresses from \”usable\” range which in turn gives you the actual numbers available.***


There are a ton of articles about how to subnet / put things down / figure things out but this magic box (when testing) makes it very simple to remember all the variations quickly.  I\’ve used it 2 times on the 3 times I have passed my CCNA combined test (one test to get the CCNA) and helped me save time on a few questions.

Hope you like this and happy subnetting!!

IP Subnetting from cisco  –


WD Hard Drive Moving files internally thru SSH

So I have about 550GB on a WD My Book Live NAS and I realized I put it on the public folder.  Well that\’s not very secure so I moved it.  Typical me understanding that it will take it forever to copy from the drive, to my computer, back to the drive was wondering if there is a way to quickly copy files from one part of the NAS to another without it being much time consuming.  So did some searching (not sure how long it will be available) so I am posting it here for myself in the case I need to turn ssh back on and move files.

~Disclaimer~ If you use this info and it messes up your mybook live NAS…use it at your own risk, no warranty implied or implicit, you break it with this info sucks to be you.  By reading the instructions below you agree to indemnify myself and others from legal action.

Techie disclaimer – it worked for me 🙂 Oh and after I turned on SSH and moved the files… I turned SSH off.

Instructions –

Moving files between shares

Are there any implications of moving files this way?  I\’m quite picky about preserving all the file metadata / datestamps etc as I migrate over time from one device to another.  In particular, I want to preserve file creation and modification timestamps, because they hold valuable information in my view that mustn\’t be lost in moving from one drive to another, or one folder to another.

Also, moving files in this way \”by stealth\” won\’t confuse the drive controller\’s view of what is stored, where?  For example, even just using \”mkdir\” to creat a new share won\’t mean that that new share isn\’t visible to the drive\’s web interface setup facility?


(1) Go to http://yourIP/UI/ssh where yourIP is the IP address of the MyBook.

(2) Login as root, password welc0me (that\’s a zero in there).

(3) cd /DataVolume/shares (change dir to where your shares are).

(4) ls (list your shares).

(5) mkdir ShareB (make a new folder for the new share).

(6) mv ShareA/* ShareB/ (move everything in ShareA into ShareB).

if I am moving files/folders from ShareA into \”ShareB\\subfolder\” (i.e. a subfolder within new ShareA, not at the top level), will the above method work, just using mkdir in step (5) to create the subfolder, and putting in the full path to the new subfolder in step (6).  In other words:


(5*) mkdir ShareB (make a new folder for the new share).

(6*) cd ShareB

(7*) mkdir subfolder

(8*) cd /DataVolume/shares

(9*) mv ShareA/* ShareB/subfolder


Trackback to original post –





Cool new program for M$ PC Mouse sharing / File copy

So I read an article about a new project called Mouse without Borders on LifeHacker. I\’ve been using Synergy for years and mainly at home I have the multi-OS so it works great to go between computers there. At work we are pretty much a windows shop so having this mouse sharing WITH clipboard makes life easier.

Just installed so not sure how well it will work for me (interaction with programs and whatnot) but I was able to set up and test the clipboard. Single file copy only (zip multiple files if you need to do it at once) for clipboard and for some odd reason the security key required me to click a back arrow and it showed up?? Who knows why but seems like a good program.

Link to Lifehacker\’s article 

Mouse without Borders Video

Mouse without borders direct download

[youtube id=\”MNFmXej7jEA\” w=\”480\” h=\”360\”]

If you have multiple OS\’ and you only want to use a single keyboard – Synergy is the way to go. I love that program 🙂

Apple Ipad Unable to save VPN

So very odd issue happened today. Trying to add a Cisco IPSEC Vpn profile to an iPad… I\’ve done this many times and NBD right? WRONG.. Apparently if you reset the network settings (Which Verizon Did for this person) you end up having some odd issues with the wireless / VPN profile creation. If you use the task manager on the iPad / iPhone you will be able to close out of your settings application, go back in and the unable to save VPN profile error goes away…. It also shows you the other ones that you tried to create.  It was pretty funny.

Then the user\’s wireless could connect, but it wouldnt show the icon for wireless being connected.  Very odd…  I looked at the system tray (double press home button) she had a ton of applications \”running\” so I started closing them all, rebooted the iPad and viola the VPN profiles could be saved, she could connect and log on to wireless networks, and use the VPN.

A bit odd, but a good fix for those having issues if you aren\’t able to figure it out.

Thanks Verizon for the network settings reset which spawned this crazy VPN Error unable to save VPN Configuration :-).


This is where you save and the error says it is unable to save the VPN


Fun times with 1993 300zx

So I was driving and the shifter in my 1993 300zx gets VERY wobbly / loose and I was quite confused. Apparently there is a part on a manual transmission 1993 300zx that fails a lot.  The Shifter Support Bracket for the 1993 300zx just straight up busted on me…

Now the shifter would go into gear, and while in gear, it seemed fine.  When you pulled it out it would rattle a bit since the shifter went down and hit the drive shaft so that was a bit odd for me.  No pictures just yet but here is some info from someone else that had the same problem – LINK

After initial research I thought it was what this guy thought it was (the bushings) but after tearing apart the front dash of my 1993 Nissan 300zx I soon found out it wasnt.

Funny anecdote – I like to drive this car so I used some JB Weld to see if it would hold it in place until I could pick up a part.  It worked for the past 3 days 🙂  I hope to take a picture of that too as an alternative so you can still kind of drive (carefully of course) without having the replacement part.

I found the part locally – Link @ Website Pit stop Performance in Phx so hopefully you can get this part at a local vendor if not these guys are good and can ship em to you.  I called my local dealer and the guy said it was $170….. um.. I will take 40 dollars vs 170 any day!

Hope this may help someone searching google for a similar problem with their car.


QR Codes all the rave – Especially when you can customize it for FREE!

Yah so QR codes (Quick Response) have been around for a while (since 1994) and it\’s popularity seems to have some ebbs and flows.  With the innovation of colors, adding flair, and other cool ideas which are making QR codes less boring it will pique interest 🙂  With free being a huge motivator in allowing people to make personalized QR codes a free web service has probably become a very popular place!  From a post via Chris Pirillo and the Vanity QR code post – HERE –  I\’ve made a fun, free QR code 🙂  You can too pretty quickly, and with a decent amount of customization.

Here is the direct site for the vanity QR code –  Thank you by the way (or arigato / ありがとう / ありがとうございました)

Here are two of mine that I created

IIS 7.0 Fail

So trying to get a web server up for use and install a ssl cert.  NBD right?  Well apparently for whatever reason IIS thought it would be fun to have me go through and repair the private key….. because…. it was bored?

So long story short after going through many various settings for my ssl vendor, geotrust, I ended up calling them.  Pretty easy to deal with and they helped me find SO15905 which walked me through how to repair my cert via the command prompt.  This was after I did the Generate CSR, submitted the info, created the response (which didnt work) then manually went through IIS and modified the geotrust trust on the local computer certificate manager via MMC.

Essentially I went through everything that I had done and did not see where I missed or what I did wrong, yet this certificate had to be repaired?

Thanks Microsoft that was unnecessarily annoying for 7:00a.m.

Random pictures of the office

Yup just some random stuff.

Cool map to add to websites

So with my gaming activities I find some cool things from time to time.  If you look in the bottom right corner of my menu you will now see a globe of recent visitors and all visitors denoted with a green tick.

What functional purpose could this hold?

  • For people that have gaming groups it is nice to see where you all reside and based upon IP address you can somewhat determine the location (or main hub) of said ISP of the user.
  • For marketing you could see where people come from to ensure you have a good understanding you your base.
  • General purpose of my blog to see where people come from, graphically, showing all people that might come here to read stuff.

All you have to do is go here – click the type of map (3d or 2d) add your personalization of the map and post the code on your site.


Busted Caps

So I was asked by a co-worker to take a look at his PC and why it was randomly not booting / sometimes not getting to the BIOs and I told him it is most likely hardware related.  He was hoping his drive was OK to get files off of it but my suspicion was right.  Unfortunately for him he most likely does not want to drop 70-80 bucks to get the same mobo etc so either parts or donation PC for him.  And a quick USB drive connection will copy his files .

FYI for anyone looking for a capacitor on a motherboard that is fried / busted / not quite right… here is a picture for your enjoyment.
