IIS 7.0 Fail

So trying to get a web server up for use and install a ssl cert.  NBD right?  Well apparently for whatever reason IIS thought it would be fun to have me go through and repair the private key….. because…. it was bored?

So long story short after going through many various settings for my ssl vendor, geotrust, I ended up calling them.  Pretty easy to deal with and they helped me find SO15905 which walked me through how to repair my cert via the command prompt.  This was after I did the Generate CSR, submitted the info, created the response (which didnt work) then manually went through IIS and modified the geotrust trust on the local computer certificate manager via MMC.

Essentially I went through everything that I had done and did not see where I missed or what I did wrong, yet this certificate had to be repaired?

Thanks Microsoft that was unnecessarily annoying for 7:00a.m.

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