Acer C7 Mostly Working Virtual Box 4.1.12 in Chrubuntu 12.04

Trying to get Virtual Box 4.1.12 from the software center is not a basic download and run.  You can download it, you can run it but when you try to start a machine you create it crashes… always.

*PLEASE NOTE* This instruction set is for educational purposes only.  If you follow these instructions and something bad happens to your computer you will need to contact your support staff / warranty center for support.  There is no written guarantee or warranty implied or inferred with this instruction set.  Use at your own risk.

If you too are having this issue I found someone who posted a way to make VirtualBox  mostly work in Chrubuntu for the Acer C7.

Steps –

  1. Install Chrubuntu on Acer C7 if you haven\’t already.
  2. From a shell in chrubuntu run

sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-kernel-mods-3.4.0.deb

Thank you to – Keyvin and his website for his work.


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